Welcome to Our World!

The Youth Club is composed of boys ages 7 to 18 years old. Its main purpose is to prepare youth to become future leaders by enhancing their social and cultural skills. The activities provided allow the youth to use their creative thinking skills which will help them to identify with whom they are and will also allow them to discover new interests that hopefully will increase their self-worth. Some of the activities include performing arts, music, sports, other athletic activities, science, technology, etc.

Program Benefits:

  • Enhances Self-esteem, Confidence and Character
  • Builds Teamwork and Leadership Skills
  • Encourages the spiritual side of youth

It is hoped that each program’s youth group will bond and perform in our annual conferences. When our youth reach adult age, hopefully the will join the organization and continue its legacy!

Workshops and Conferences

The local youth group meet at least once per month to participate in various social and cultural activities such as group activities, community services projects and workshops, see the back panel of this brochure for possible activities. The activities are designed to help youth:

  • Understand the importance of self-respect and respect for others
  • Learn how to make positive decisions
  • Understand the importance of giving back to the community,

Since the workshop material is tailored to specific ages, the youth are separated into age groups in order to receive age-appropriate information.Our annual conferences are the Thanksgiving Feast, Desert Gala Conference and the Imperial Session. These conferences allow the youth to meet others in the program, attend educational workshops and participate in various competitions such as ddrill, drums, singing, oratorical, STEM, and more.

Deputies and Volunteers

Many of our staff have mentoring experience and provide a wealth of knowledge to help our youth. Prior to working with the youth, everyone including parents are required to have a national background check. Remember, safety first!

Membership Process

How to join? Simply contact one of the following Nobles listed below to get started:

  • NOBLE JEREL TURNER 813-293-2421
  • NOBLE YUSUF HARDY 813-863- 4276

Group Activities

The following list displays cultural and social activities provided by some of the local youth programs Please note that activities are provided based on available resources.

  • Monthly Meeting
  • Elections Process
  • Practice for competitions: individual performances, dance, band, drill, drawing, sports, online computer gaming, clown units, bike units. choral groups, science, and STEM projects and more.
  • Excursions, Field Trips, Parades & etc.

Community Service Projects

  • Volunteer Work
  • Donations for Seniors and Youth
  • Encouragement Notes to First Responders


  • Understanding Academic Success
  • Exploring Careers
  • Time Management
  • Savings and Money Management
  • Importance of Hygiene & Self Care
  • Bullying Prevention & Resolving Conflicts
  • Arts & Crafts and etc.

The Parent Club

The Parent Club provide program assistance and support of youth activities. They meet to determine where the next focus of assistance is most feasible or beneficial for the program.

Providing fundraisers for the youth program is another one of the most important functions of the parent club because it allows the youth to purchase uniforms, instruments, and etc. Additionally, fundraisers allow them to attend field trips, and conferences.

Parents are our greatest cheerleaders!

Join us in our quest to help our youth become successful in their endeavors.

Temple Youth Director: Noble Jerel Turner

Imperial Youth Department Director: HPIC Lorraine James

Temple Website: https://www.harram23.org     

Imperial Youth Dept. – Facebook https://www.aeaonmsflorida.org           

 Imperial Youth Department Website: https://www.aeaonmsyouth.org/